IBM Worklight Application Center Architecture

IBM Worklight Application Center architecture
IBM Worklight Application Center is a web-based, internal enterprise application store for centralized application distribution, installation, and feedback.

The architecture of Worklight Application Center is shown in Figure and demonstrates the central role of an application store. The application center offers three main services:
Worklight Application Center architecture

  • An application catalog service to search for obtainable mobile applications
  • An application installation service to install mobile applications
  • An application feedback service to supply feedback on application versions

With an internal enterprise application store (using the application catalog service and application install service), internal users can view your catalog, download applications, track installed applications, and provide feedback by rating the application versions. Allowing an employee to manage the applications on a company-owned mobile device instead of requiring direct  IT support can lessen IT support costs.

The application feedback service allow users to rate an application and provide feedback about it. This helps you monitor user acceptance and plan for new releases. For example, if one feature receives constant positive feedback, you can move development resources to improve other features that are not as extremely rated or get negative feedback.

Through the development lifecycle, Application Center can be used to streamline the movement of new application versions from development to test, such as when you must release a new version to an internal test audience. Granular contact controls allow you to offer multiple versions of an application in the internal application store but to limit access to specific versions to certain users or groups.

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